Sunday, November 11, 2007


Today was Remembrance Day in the U.K. Two minutes silence to remember and pay respect to all servicemen and women who have lost their lives. We went out onto the streets and watched the bands and veterans march past.
Both my grandfathers served in WW II, one in The Royal Signals the other on H.M.S. Javelin. Both returned from the war and had to resume 'normal' life. Both my Grandmothers struggled through wartime Britain and raised children. My Parents grew up in Post war times.
Today, with my mood stabilisers and sleeping pills and relaxants and anti-depressants attempting to keep me on some kind of level, I can't imagine living in those times. But somehow they pulled through. It blows my mind, quite literally.
There's nothing more to say, really.
Other than it angers me that so many people were unable to take 2 mins from their 'busy' lives to pay some respect.


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